Why Repurposing Content Is Important

I’m hitting you with a hypothetical question.

Let’s say you published a piece of content online and it didn’t perform as well as you had hoped. We’ve all been there! What’s your next step? Do you take it down? Do you leave it up, shrug it off, and chalk that one up to a loss? Or do you take proactive steps to get that piece of content seen and received in the way you know it should have been?

Spoiler alert: That last one is the best one!

If your post didn’t get that traction you had hoped, it’s time to repurpose that post for other platforms! Let’s chat about why repurposing content is so important.

What Do You Mean ‘Repurpose?’

When I talk about repurposing content, I’m talking about taking the post you created for only one social platform and tweaking it or making supplemental content on the same topic to share on any other social platform. 

Whether a post didn’t perform as well on one platform as you had hoped or if you’re just stuck on coming up with new ideas, repurposing already existing content allows you to really make the most out of the stuff you already worked so hard to create!

What Is There to Gain By Repurposing Content?

As I said, repurposing your content will help you get your bang for your buck. You already spent your precious time creating a piece of content- why shouldn’t you utilize what you already made in any way you can?

Repurposing your content also ensures that more of your audience will see it. Such a small percentage of your followers on each social platform actually view and interact with what you share; this varies from platform to platform. Just because someone read your email doesn’t mean they read your blog post or saw your Instagram story.

Each platform serves a different purpose for both you and your followers. By spreading the word across channels, you’re bound to be reaching a wider audience.

How Do I Repurpose Content?

When it comes to actually repurposing your content, don’t try to reinvent the wheel! 

Another spoiler alert: you don’t need to create anything new.

You can quite literally take what you created for one platform and share it to another! Obviously, if you’re creating video content on a given topic you’ve already posted about, then creating a new video is totally up to you. You can pull from content you’ve already written and shorten it for captions or captioning on a video.

For example, you can take a blog post you’ve written and use that to create:

  • Carousel posts

  • Stories

  • Reels

  • Tik Toks

  • YouTube videos or shorts 

  • Pinterest pins

  • Emails

Still Need Assistance?

Repurposing content is a part of any good marketing strategy. Need some help getting the right strategy in place so you can finally stop spinning your wheels? Drop a comment on this post or send me a DM over on Instagram and I’ll help you get started!


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