How to Optimize Your Instagram Bio in Minutes

When your ideal client stumbles upon your Instagram profile, the first thing they are going to look at is your bio. Them reading your bio is the equivalent of a first date!  They are there to learn (in a fun and carefree way) who you are, what you’re all about, and to see if the connection might be right. If we’re rolling that way, consider me your relationship guru! Here are a few ways to optimize your Instagram bio in a matter of minutes that will help you make a lasting first impression!

Utilize Keywords

In addition to including your name (so people know who they are working with) you’ll want to add some keywords into your bio! Instagram has become much more keyword friendly and keyword searchable in recent years, so it’s important to utilize this feature. Be sure to optimize the “name” field of your bio with relevant and searchable keywords. These can include your job title, services you provide, and your location. 

Include What You Do

Searching on Instagram can be compared to speed dating.  Our world moves so quickly, if your bio doesn’t clearly and simply state what you do and what someone will learn or gain from following you, they may be quick to move on to the next profile. 

Someone may stumble upon your profile because of the great keywords you’ve utilized in your bio, but if you don’t include what it is you do, they may not stick around if they’re specifically looking for a service. You don’t need (nor do you have the room) to include every service you offer in your bio, but be sure to hit on how you can be of service to others in your bio.

Get Personal
A working relationship isn’t solely about work. This working relationship that you may cultivate with a prospective client is still a relationship between two human beings, so human connection is important. In your bio, adding a little personal anecdote is the perfect human touch that may make all the difference in someone wanting to work with you! 

Add a Call to Action 

When a person is first looking at your services or offerings, it can sometimes feel overwhelming- no matter how well you format your bio, posts, or website. If you’ve got something great that you want people to see like a freebie opt-in or a quiz they can take that’ll get them onto your email list, pointing people directly to it with a call to action in your bio will help get them started!

You’ll point them toward something really awesome and accessible, they’ll feel encouraged to check it out, and you never know where that might lead! 

Link Your Website

For a while, people were big on adding a link to a site in their bios on Instagram to a site like LinkTree that housed all their important links in one place. This is great to have all your links in one place, but it may not be as effective in getting people where you really want them to go: your website!

By linking directly to your website in your Instagram bio, you’ll get much more traffic to your site than you might if it was just one of many links for people to click on. It’s plain, simple, and will still show your perspective clients all they could possibly want (they’ll just have to click around 😉).

Let’s share IG bios! Drop your Instagram handle in the comments on this post so I can check out your IG bio and you can check out mine!


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