Signs It’s Time to Update Your Visual Instagram Aesthetic

Your aesthetic on Instagram is not something you should be settling on. Trust me, I know that sticking with what feels comfortable and what “works” is easier than committing to change. But there will for sure be a few tell-tale signs that start popping up when it’s time to update your visual IG aesthetic. Let’s talk about these signs and how you can commit to making updates to your page without feeling overwhelmed.

Sign #1- Engagement is dropping

If you’ve been kicking with the same visuals since you got started on Instagram, your audience might be feeling like what they are seeing is stale. This may be especially true if you are a creature of habit and stick to posting the exact same designs and post types every time you post. Whether you like it or not, new branding and content standards are always elevating, and if you aren’t keeping up, your engagement may suffer the consequences.

A visual refresh can help breathe new life into your account and your engagement. A refresh also doesn’t mean that you need to invest in a total rebrand! It just means sprucing up the style you are used to to match the current times. A visual refresh also refers to the type of content you’re producing. Freshen up your feed with new content in different formats, like reels, stories, and carousel posts. 

Sign 2- You feel bored with your visuals

Feeling bored with the visual aesthetic you’ve been following for a long time is totally normal. Chances are good if you are feeling bored with it, so is your audience! If you’re bored with your visual aesthetic, you are also probably feeling uninspired, which can only mean that your content is probably suffering the consequences. When you love what you’re creating, visually and textually, you WANT to share it with everyone out there and spread your message to a wider audience!

A refresh of your visual aesthetic might help you keep content lively and engaging. You should never feel like you are locked into what you’ve always been creating- you have the power to make adjustments and play until you find something you feel awesome about. Use the power of your audience to your advantage here! You might come up with a few different styles and ask which they like best, or ask them what kind of content they prefer to see from you.

Sign #3- Your visuals no longer represent you 

If you take one look at your visuals and catch yourself saying, “this doesn’t feel like me at all,” then a refresh is an absolute need. What you are sharing with the world should be so aligned with you and what you do so that people can equate your style with YOU. If you can no longer see any clear part of yourself or your business in your visuals, it’s time to create something (or hire someone to create something) that solves that problem.

Yes, it’s important to cater to what you know your audience wants and needs to see from you. But your visuals and branding CAN and SHOULD be all about what you like! You’re a glitter girl? Throw that glitter around. You like a simple, clean aesthetic? Embrace that! 

Are you ready to hire a social media manager to help you strategize and optimize your visuals on Instagram? Send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll be happy to tell you all about how my team and I can help make your dream Instagram a reality.


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