What To Consider Before Hiring A Social Media Manager

The idea of handing off your social media responsibilities to someone else might sound really amazing, right? For some people, at the right stage of their business, hiring a social media manager can be a huge weight lifted off their shoulders; however, hiring or outsourcing someone else to do your social media isn’t for everyone!

Are you at the right place to hire a social media manager? Here are some things to consider BEFORE looking for someone to take over your social. ⁠


⁠Why are business and dating so oddly similar? Before bringing someone else on to take over your socials, you need to ask yourself if you’re ready to make a long-term commitment. Social media is not an overnight fix, and 99% of the time you will not see rapid growth in the first few months... it takes time. period. If you aren't ready to commit for at least 4+ months, then you may need to reconsider why you're hiring a social media manager. If your #1 answer is not to grow a presence on social media, then you may not actually need one.


⁠If you are considering hiring a social media manager because you think you will experience immediate and rapid growth, you may need to think again. Look, I am absolutely amazing at what I do, but I cannot make growth happen overnight. I’m not a magician! Unless you're also investing in paid media, you won't see growth that quickly. Growing on socials over time is more like a build-up. Before you go hiring an SMM, just be sure to check your expectations at the door. 


⁠Do you need money fast and expect social media to fill your bank account ASAP? In most cases, it's not going to happen just by hiring a social media manager. Social media is a process and you need to build relationships and establish a presence before you will really see the sales roll in. If you're desperate for money now, you may need to hire a sales team, not a social media team.


⁠Relinquishing your social channels means relinquishing control over that part of your business. Are you okay with giving up some degree of control? I LOVE when my clients are involved in the creation process, share feedback on the content my team and I provide, and communicate their ideas. However, nobody likes working with a micromanager. You need to be able to trust the expertise, experience, opinions, and strategies of whoever you're hiring (trust me, it will save you BOTH a lot of sanity if you do). ⁠

⁠So... are you ready to hire a social media manager?! If you are, me and my team are here for you! You can learn more about working together by sending a DM on Instagram. ⁠

⁠And if one (or more) of these things applied to you, but you're still thinking about hiring a social media manager, I'd be happy to chat more about whether that position is a right fit for you at this time in your business. Questions? Leave them in the comments!


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