Social Platforms For Your Business and How to Use Them

Social media is probably never going to go away, so learning how to leverage each platform to help your business grow is important! I know- it can feel like a new channel is popping up every day and suddenly becoming the new “go-to” platform, so keeping track of them all is sometimes mind boggling. Plus, figuring out which platforms to utilize based on your own goals can feel confusing- it’s not all as universal as you’d think!

I’m here to offer up a few tips on how to make the most of (what I consider to be) the best social platforms for your business!


Instagram is the closest thing to a one-stop-shop sort of social media platform that we might have so far as a society. It’s a great place to build a community, collaborate with others to grow your brand and influence, and share your amazing offers.

The platform has decent searchibility with its ability to search relevant hashtags and other keywords that it makes it relatively easy to find and connect with other people in your niche. Once you find those people and welcome them into your community, you can collaborate with them by creating shared posts or going live with them on stories! Through these collaborative tools, you’ll be putting yourself directly in front of other people’s audiences, and in turn getting a boat load of their followers to check out your page! 

Instagram stories are also a great place to interact with your audience in real time and share resources or offers that people might’ve missed in your static grid (perhaps because of the algorithm). With the option to create highlights and add a link in your bio, you’re essentially able to create a landing page for your ideal client to see all you have to offer.

Tik Tok

The newest of the social platforms I’m talking about, Tik Tok is all about trends! If you’re looking to see if content you’re creating holds up to current trends, getting it on Tik Tok will tell you everything you need to know on that front. If you’ve got quick, digestible content in your back pocket or want to share an attention grabber to point people to an offer you have, this is the place to let that all shine. 

A whole new corner of the internet may be able to find you on Tik Tok! Because videos circulate so quickly when they hit the mark, you never know whose For You Page your content might land on! A whole new corner of the internet may be able to find you on Tik Tok!


On the flip side, Facebook is like Tik Tok’s great aunt. Facebook has been around for what might feel like forever, and chances are good that your business’s marketing efforts might’ve even gotten their start over on Facebook. If that’s the case, some of your oldest, most loyal clients or customers might still be active Facebook users. Lean into this, and keep talking to your people!

Links share really well on Facebook, so adding links to your website, resources you have, or offers your running can perform well here. Facebook Live is also something you can make use of to talk to your followers in a more personal way! You can hop on there, solo or with someone else, to show your face, make connections, and share value!

Facebook Groups

Yes, Facebook groups are also still relevant!! A lot of businesses utilize Facebook groups to create a sort of sacred space among their community members. Folks running programs also still tend to utilize Facebook groups as a way for people in their programs to all be in one place, engaging as a community. 

Groups tend to be much more personal spaces, and you can connect with your followers on a deeper level (while still promoting what you’re there to promote and making sales).


Twitter is for my quick and easy folks! If you have time sensitive information to share with your audience, tweeting it is the best way to do it. You can keep sharing links to resources you have to offer and other promotional links you may have. 

It’s also a great place to reach a wider audience. Folks can retweet your posts and they’ll share your content with their audience. Any old tweet can also act as a sort of message board with people replying and sharing their thoughts.


Pinterest’s algorithm has changed a lot over the years, but the purpose of the platform remains the same- to drive more traffic to your website and get more eyes on your blogs.

Whenever people click on a pin of yours, they’ll be taken directly to wherever you link it. More often than not, you’ll be linking these pins to different pages of your website, therefore, increasing your traffic. Anything you want to learn more about, you can probably find a Pin all about it…so you definitely want to get in on that! 

Are you on the right platforms for your business? Save this post to refer back to when it's time to reconsider your social goals.


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