5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hitting Publish

Curating content and pumping out content are two totally different things. In your personal life, posting online may be as simple as sharing cute pictures of your pets or posting all those pictures from your vacation. In your business, just sharing all those things for the sake of sharing them won’t get you the same results as thoughtfully curated content.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself before hitting publish on your content to ensure that it is going to help you get the results you’re looking for.

1. Does this content benefit my audience?

Is there something in the content you’ve created that your audience can relate to, feel inspired by, or learn from? As much as you want them to linger on your content, they want to read content from you that is going to provide them with some kind of value. Make sure what you’re about to share either educates them in some way and makes them feel seen or heard.

2. Is this content interesting and engaging?

Take a look at what you’re about to share, and ask yourself if you’d stop what you were doing to read or look at this post. If the answer is no, how can you tweak it to be a little less “status-quo.” Remember that you have a special voice of your own that no one else on the internet has. Aim to make your content interesting and engaging by making it completely and utterly YOU!

3. Is what I’ve created relevant to my business and ideal client?

At the end of the day, the point of sharing content as a business owner is to get in touch with your ideal client and showcase your business. Ask yourself if what you’ve created is doing a successful job of promoting your business and connecting to your work and values. If not, can you find a new way to appeal to the wants and needs of your ideal client?

4. Does it show my expertise?

Are you establishing yourself as an expert in your niche with the content you created? While many of these questions and principles are all interconnected, showing off your credibility is definitely going to make people stop and check out what you have to say! If you are successfully positioning your voice in a way that shows off you and your work, people are going to want to learn more!

5. If someone else posted this, what would I think?

If you saw this post as you were doing your casual daily scroll on Instagram, would you stop to check it out? Would you be inclined to look at the picture, then read the whole caption, and then comment on the post or share it? Take a moment, put your bias aside, and really ask yourself the tough question. 

If you wouldn’t go through that whole process on this post yourself, why not? The things you feel you might need to change will come jumping out at you super quickly if you can look at the content with an open mind! 

If you just don't have time to be posting content and worrying about this all yourself... it might be time to outsource your social marketing! Let's chat about how I can help you grow your business AND reclaim your precious time.


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