Mindset Shifts for Selling
Do you feel icky selling to your audience on social media? I’ve heard of this (and experienced it myself) before, but shifting my mindset on selling has tremendously helped me overcome my aversion to selling online. Let’s talk about how we think of selling and a few mindset shifts that have been proven to make selling to your audience less ick-inducing!
Think of It This Way…
I’ve got a fun analogy to make this one make sense. So let’s talk about ice cream- because who doesn’t love ice cream?!
If you go into an ice cream shop, you aren’t annoyed when they ask you what flavor you’d like or if you’d like to sample a flavor, right? You went to that ice cream shop BECAUSE you wanted their ice cream! It’s the same with your audience. They follow you because they want what you have to offer.
Selling helps them connect the dots and realize that your offer can help them get to where they want to be. If you don’t ask, the answer is always going to be no! So, you might as well start selling! You might get the same answers you do now, but you will also get some yeses in there.
Mindset Shifts
Let’s talk through some mindset shifts you can return to when you are starting to feel unsure of selling to your audience.
Instead of…
Worrying about being too ”salesy”
You’re running a business, it’s your job to sell!
You started a business because you wanted to do things your way, but you also need to be able to pay yourself and your employees if you have them! If you completely avoid selling, how else will you pay the people you need to pay, pay your bills, or have a life that is sustainable on the back of your business? You won’t. And people understand that! No one would expect you to offer what you do for free, and if they do, they aren’t your ideal client!
Instead of…
Thinking you’re burdening your audience.
You add value to their lives by helping them solve a problem.
If people are following along with your presence online, it is most likely because you are solving a problem for them with your product or service that they could not solve themselves otherwise. By selling your product or service, you are only helping your audience! If they feel put off by the promotion of what you have to offer, then they don’t need your help solving this problem, and again- they aren’t your ideal audience.
Instead of…
Being afraid of unfollows and no’s.
You are not for everyone, but the ones that matter are here.
The minor fluctuation of that follower account is none of your business! If people are unfollowing you because they think you are selling too much, that is their own prerogative. Obviously, if they feel like they don’t need you, you don’t need them to help turn a profit! There are plenty of other devoted followers on your page who would delight in checking out your new product or service and hearing what you have to say about it.
Instead of…
Wondering if they’ll like what you are selling or think you’re annoying.
If someone feels that way, they aren’t your ideal client.
This is what all of these points boil down to: If someone is making you feel inferior for selling or they are uninterested in your selling, they aren’t the kind of person you should be looking to work with. If you love your offer, the right clients will also love your offer.
If you’re still feeling unsure about selling, you can also hire a pro to do it for you (aka ME)! Send me a DM over on Instagram or contact me here to learn more about how we can work together to make your social media feel like sitting with friends around a campfire, AND make it work for your business goals.