7 Ways to Create Better Instagram Content For Your Business

As much as you may want one, there is no go-to formula when it comes to creating content for your business. Every business is different, so creating better content isn’t going to look exactly the same for you as it does for me, or anyone else.

Here are some general principles you can use to guide you through your content creation that will ultimately lead to a better end result that will get you closer to your business goals!

Start with a Purpose

When you’re getting ready to create content or share a piece of content you’ve already created, it’s important to consider the purpose of the post. Ask yourself these essential questions before sharing- if you can answer them effectively, chances are good the content will resonate well with your audience!

Ask Yourself:

  • What is the main point or topic of the post?

  • What do I want my audience to gain from reading this?

  • What do I want to come from this post- do I want people to share the story, buy my offer, etc?

  • How would my ideal client think of this point in their own lives, and how can I communicate with them in a way that will resonate?

Write Naturally

Rather than sitting down to write a scientific dissertation on your main topic, just write it how you would speak it to someone! A natural, conversational writing style is easier for your audience to digest and it helps them trust you because they actually understand what you are saying. You don’t need to sound super refined in order to get your point across!

Get to the Point

I’ll be the first to admit- I LOVE to read and write long posts. That isn’t the case for everyone! In fact, most people really don’t enjoy reading the fluff of your post. So, find your point and get to it! Cut out all that extra filler and give the people what they came to your page for.

Get Creative

You can find so many similar posts on similar topics when you search on Instagram- so you want to stand out! No one really cares about the info you copy and pasted from Google or the caption that the new Canva AI auto writing tool wrote for you. Your audience wants to hear YOUR perspectives, stories, and experiences. Even if the info you’re sharing is basic, do it differently and from your point of view!

Switch It Up

Not everyone likes to consume content in the same way, and not every form of content will resonate with everyone in your audience. Make sure you’re sharing a variety of content types (static content, video content, etc.) across various platforms so you can reach as many people as possible!

Don’t Slack on the Visuals

Think about how many times you’ve clicked on a post to check it out just because you liked what you saw. Visuals still matter on Instagram- whether it’s static posts or reel covers. When creating graphics to go with your posts or choosing a photo to share make sure it’s eye-catching, on brand, and somewhat relevant to the topic of the post. 

Repurpose Your Content

You just spent all this time and effort creating your content- I know you’re not going to just post it once to one channel and forget all about it. Use what you just created in as many ways as possible on as many platforms as possible for the widest reach! Create a blog post for your website, create some short form video content, share it on Facebook. Whatever you do, repurposing your content will only help your growth!

Any questions? Comment on this post so we can chat, or make you way over to my Instagram and we can chat right in my DM’s!


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