Getting Back to Social Media Basics

Let’s be honest: You create GREAT content. But why hasn’t it been performing as well as it once did? If you find yourself asking this question, it’s probably time to get back to the basics!

In an effort to create better, higher-level content, you might be forgetting to revisit the foundation of your work, which is important at any level and for any type of content you’re sharing!

If you’re ready to go back to your roots, here are a few things you can examine or out into practice each time you post to get the most reach, engagement, and reception as possible!

Check Your Spelling and Grammar

Our world is so fast paced and the world of social media is so fast paced, so we are constantly running on the wheel, churning out content. In an attempt to get content out as quickly as possible, your spelling and grammar check may not be as strong as it once was. This may not seem like a huge thing, but the more spelling and grammar mistakes found in your work, the less credible it may appear to people looking for a reliable resource.

To avoid this, make sure you’re double checking your work! You can have another employee lay eyes on it to make sure mistakes are mitigated, or put your final drafts into a spelling/grammar checker tool!

Add Hashtags & Your Location to Your Posts

Algorithms and strategies are constantly changing on Instagram, and there’s been a lot of discussion about the proper use of hashtags on posts. Regardless of the hashtag strategy you may or may not have in place, it’s important to utilize hashtags on all your posts on Instagram!

Utilizing keyword rich hashtags will help you reach your ideal clients on Instagram! When you include niche specific keywords on your content, it helps tell Instagram who to show your content to in the app based on who is most likely to interact with it.

Tagging your location (city or state) in each of your posts will also help to increase your reach! That way, if there is anyone looking for your services in your specific area, they can find you quickly and easily. You can use your location in hashtags as well!

Add a Call to Action

Sometimes, people just need to be told what to do! Adding a call to action at the end of your posts is a great way to let your audience and ideal clients know what you are looking for them to do after they check out your content. 

Do you want them to check out your site? Point them to the link in your bio! Looking for some more engagement? Ask them to drop a comment on the post! You’ll be amazed by the reception you get when you specifically ask for what you want from your followers (in a kind way, of course)!

Be Consistent & Be Yourself

Showing up on social media is all about consistency, not necessarily frequency. You don’t need to be posting or showing up every single day, but you should show up weekly in some capacity.

Showing up is also different from showing up perfectly. Don’t let the fear of imperfection keep you from showing up at all! Perfection is a myth anyway, and you won’t get better at showing up unless you’re practicing it! Your audience will just be happy to see you no matter what.

Next time you’re creating a post, get back to these basics and watch your results improve dramatically! As always, I’d love to hear all about your personal experience with getting back to basics in my DM’s over on Instagram


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