How to Build A Community on Instagram

Social media is an amazing place to grow your personal brand, grow your business, and in turn, grow your community! If you aren’t creating a community on Instagram, you’re missing out on huge opportunities in terms of sales, referrals, personal growth, and more!

I’ve got a few helpful hints to get you started in building an active and engaged community over on Instagram and beyond!

Collab with Others

Collaboration is key! If you’re able to get involved with other creators or business owners online, not only will your community see you live and in action, but you’ll also be putting yourself in front of the communities of your collaborators! What better way to broaden your reach?! 

Instagram has rolled out some great features in recent years to make collaboration on the platform that much more accessible. You can:

  • Utilize the “collaborate” post feature and create a post with your business owner bestie

  • Go live with someone in your niche/niche adjacent

  • Create a joint reel with another creator

Spend Time Engaging

Engagement is all about reciprocity! If you’re not showing up and engaging with other people’s content, they won’t show up to engage with yours. If you are looking to really build an active community on Instagram, actually getting out there and talking to people is so important! 

Leave a meaningful comment on a post that resonates with you, re-share a reel or post that you think your followers would also enjoy, and keep the value coming! Re-sharing content from other accounts to your stories (with permission, of course) is another great way to establish a relationship with the original creator and expand that post’s reach on both of your accounts.

Don’t Be Afraid of the DM’s

Sliding into people’s DM’s has sort of developed this negative connotation, but as long as you’re sliding into DM’s with good intent, you can’t go wrong! This is THE place to talk, make friends with new followers, nurture leads aka THE place to build community!

Make it personal, too! People love to feel like their work and content are being seen and recognized. If you see something you like or that resonates with you, don’t be afraid to let them know! Starting a conversation with someone has the power to take what might’ve been a simple follow for follow into a meaningful business connection!

Be Yourself, Be Vulnerable

If you want to build an authentic community, you have to show up as YOU! Showing up as nothing more or less than exactly who you are is the most important thing to do for building trust and connection with your audience. ⁠

Trust me- nobody cares if your hair and makeup are done. Nobody cares if you don't have exactly the right words. Honestly, most of the time, this works better than showing up with the illusion of perfection 24/7. Just be yourself and your community will love you.

Are you ready to build your Instagram community? It's time to start trying some of these tactics if you aren't already! You’re always welcome to pop into my DM’s on Instagram to chat about building a community there as a great starting place! 


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