Tips to Get More Followers on Instagram

If you’re a business owner just getting started on Instagram in 2023, kickstarting your growth on the platform can feel like a never ending journey. You know you’ve got great stuff to offer, but you don’t yet have a vast network of followers to share it with- and that can feel discouraging.

But don’t give up! Here are a few tips to help you get some more followers on Instagram.

Follow Similar Accounts 

You might be thinking, “Garren, why would I want to follow and engage with accounts that are in my same niche?” But doing this might actually benefit you in the long run. When you follow and interact with similar accounts, Instagram categorizes your account as similar to theirs. So, whenever people search or follow others in your niche, your account will show up as suggested!

You can find accounts similar to yours by searching keywords, searching hashtags with keywords, or checking out your “suggested” accounts from Instagram.

Post Valuable Content

If you’re working in a vast industry, you have to think about how you’re going to set yourself apart from others on Instagram. One way to do that is by ensuring that the content you’re sharing is filled to the brim with value. By sharing content your ideal client will find valuable or worthwhile, you are positioning yourself as an authoritative figure in your niche! 

If people know they can turn to you to learn something, they are going to head to your profile first rather than another account that is just reposting fun cat videos-(an important aspect of Instagram, but not always educational).

Utilize Hashtags

Using hashtags in your content will help to increase your discoverability. Don’t just go throwing any old hashtags on your posts and call it a day! Strategize your tags to encompass things your audience and ideal clients will be searching for. Pick the hashtags that you feel are most relevant to help Instagram categorize your content accurately.

Engage Consistently

Getting your content out there is one thing, but getting yourself out there is another. The best way to do this is through consistent engagement. Focus on leaving meaningful comments on other people’s posts, replying to comments on your own posts to facilitate conversation, and engaging in discussion in the DM’s where and when it feels appropriate. 

Consistent engagement is going to help you establish and maintain genuine connections and relationships, and those are what will ultimately carry your business in times of struggle. Having good people in your corner who will vouch for you matters, and you’ll eventually be really grateful you did the hard work of maintaining those connections.

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