How to Grow On Instagram Without Reels

Instagram Reels popped up on Instagram, and suddenly the app for photos became yet another app focusing on video content. For those who love creating kitschy, quick video content, this addition was a dream. To those who were never interested in creating video content, this sparked a moment of panic, as social media was telling us the only way to grow was through Reels.

Instagram and Reels continue to grow and change almost on a daily basis, but one thing is true: you CAN grow on instagram without Reels!

Let me say it again: You CAN grow on Instagram without Reels!

Here are some other effective Instagram growth methods to keep you thriving on the platform without the pressure of video content.


Collaboration with other business owners that share your audience or ideal client is a great way to continue your growth on Instagram. When you partner with another person or brand, you’re getting in front of their audience and, in turn, growing your own!

For example, one of my clients in a children’s clothing brand. We partner with mom influencers to promote each collection launch. Every time we do this, it brings in a ton of new followers, engagement, and sales for the client! You never know who may be out there who needs you but just hasn’t found you yet.

Have An Engagement Strategy

Putting an engagement strategy in place is essential to growth on Instagram. Unfortunately, just winging it won’t get you the growth that creating reels could. You can’t just post to post and never talk to anyone on the app and expect the growth you’re looking for. If your audience can’t connect with the person behind your profile, they are going to look at you as just another account with little value to offer.

Engage in the comments on your posts, posts of your followers, answer and send those DM’s and THEN you’ll start to see the growth.

Create Shareable Content

Creating share-worthy content is almost a fool-proof way of growing on Instagram. If you’re creating content that is shareable, your audience will pretty much promote your profile FOR you by sharing it to stories or sending it to their friends. It’s totally fine to post that picture of you and your dog once in a while, but intriguing content that’s full of value is what people are going to share the most!

This is not to be confused with the idea of creating “viral” content. Sure, it can be tempting to try and create viral reels, but if trying to go viral is your first and only goal, chances are good it won’t harness that result. Your time is going to be better used creating content that focuses on value.

Don’t Solely Focus on Hashtags

There might’ve been a point in time when hashtags were the primary source of growth for many Instagram users…but that time is not now. Hashtags are an amazing supplementary tool to help your growth strategy, but utilizing them alone is not really an effective strategy. They’ll help improve your reach, but they definitely aren’t fool proof.

How do you feel about Instagram Reels? Save this post for the next time you are wondering about ways to grow without reels!


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