How to Use Blogs for Content Marketing

You might be thinking, “UGH! I already do social media, ads, emails, videos, etc, how am I supposed to add something else to my to-do list now?!” Well, slow your roll because I’m here to show you how blogging for content marketing can actually make content marketing easier, less time consuming, and more cohesive.

Blogs as Content Generators

Blogs are a great way to get your ideas down onto paper (or screen), and have the space to fully explain yourself. Where social media posts should be a paragraph at most, blog posts are more than welcome to take up as much (or as little) space as you want them to. 

Think about the writing you do for your content marketing – from social posts to newsletters, video scripts, and more, you’re likely starting from scratch every week, right? Well, just imagine if you had a relevant, already-written blog that you could pull ideas from… you’ll end up saving yourself or your team hours each month by using your blog content as a pretext for social media posts, video scripts, ads, email newsletters, and more. 

In other words, what started as an idea brain-dump (and then got formalized into a blog), is an easy, effective way to get relevant topics and ideas for your other types of content. 

On the flip side of that coin, you can also share other forms of content in your blog when blogging for content marketing! Maybe you recorded a video that’s relevant to the blog’s topic, or you have an epic social media post you want to share, or you want to invite readers to join your email list – whatever it is, you can link to it in a blog. 

Since blogs are so easily picked up by Google, you’re getting new eyes not only on your website, but also on the content you linked to in your blog post.

Blogs as Shareable Content

Blogs also possess another amazing benefit for those of us wanting our businesses to grow. Blogs are a type of content that can easily be shared, linked back to, or referenced by someone else. As we know, when content gets shared is when it helps our business grow. 

Give your fans, clients, and influencers an easy way to share your expertise with their friends and followers by providing shareable blogs. 

A great way to ensure your blog is shareable is by providing valuable, original tips, how-tos, or resources that your ideal client would use and enjoy. For example, if you’re a yoga studio, you can write a blog post sharing the best yoga poses or practices for yogis who have trouble sleeping. 

Now, you’ve not only reached your audience, but you’ve also reached many more people who have trouble sleeping (which, let’s be real, is a lot of us sometimes). This is content that can easily be shared, read, saved, and re-shared time and time again by everyone from your ideal client and beyond.

Blogs as Authority Builders

Blogs are the number one way to share your expertise with your audience. Through blogging, you’re able to talk passionately about what you do, who you help, how you help them, and why people should care. 

You’re able to share your knowledge and your expertise in a way that positions you as a passionate, competent leader in your space. For example, if you’re a kickboxing studio, you can write an entire blog post on how to punch correctly – you could even frame it as a self defense technique if you’re interested in reaching more women. 

Not only are you sharing your expertise through explaining how to punch properly, you’re also showing your ideal client how you can help them solve a problem they currently have. 

Blogging also works as an authority builder when you create content that people will want to save and refer back to. Let’s say you’re a fitness studio or personal trainer and it’s January. You could write a blog post that includes a 30-day challenge to kickstart your New Year’s health goals. In the post, you’d encourage readers to bookmark or save the post to refer back to each day. 

By the end of those 30 days, your ideal clients have now visited your blog or at least seen your name at least 30 times. You’re likely the only fitness studio they can think about at this point, which can mean more membership and class sign ups for you! PLUS, if they actually followed through on all 30 days and feel healthier, they now know that they can trust you with their health, and are more likely to come back to you the next time they want health help. 

As you can see, blogging for content marketing has so many benefits, and this list is not even close to comprehensive. If you’re not yet blogging in your business, consider this a sign to get started. 

And if you need a wordsmith to blog for you, head to my Services page to learn more about how I can help you blog for your business and make content marketing infinitely easier. 


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