How To Make Content Creation Easier

If you’re a business owner who leans towards the more introverted side of, well, being a business owner, content creation might be the bane of your existence. Unfortunately, in the world we currently live in, having an online presence as a business owner is super important. And with an online presence comes content to support it. Whether you downright don’t enjoy creating content, you often feel like you don’t have time to create content, or you just don’t know what to post, here are a few tips on how to make content creation easier for yourself. 

Build a Photo/ Video Bank

Sometimes you might have something really awesome you want to say, but have no idea what kind of visual to pair it with. Totally normal! To mitigate the confusion behind what to post as far as visuals go, creating a photo and video bank may be your ticket to success. Have a ton of photos from a branding shoot? Add them in! Did you take a few aesthetic photos that coincide with your brand on your last coffee date? Add them in! Have you found great stock images that also match your brand well? Add them in!

If you’ve got videos that match any of those descriptions as well, throw them in there too! If you’ve already got a curated bank of photos and images, it will be much easier for you to grab something from your folder or file rather than having to seek it out in the moment you’re ready to post.

Batch Content

In the same vein, batching content is a great way to create new posts without coming up with them on sort of a rolling basis. If time or effort is your roadblock when it comes to creating content, use any burst of energy or inspiration as a catalyst to batch some content! Batching is especially useful when it comes to creating video content like reels or Tik Toks. 

Batching can also refer to writing captions for content, matching captions with photos and images, and getting it all prepped and ready to be scheduled or posted by yourself or an employee. Getting all the hard work done in one sitting while you’re batching will alleviate some of the pressure to keep coming up with content on the spot. We’ve all experienced that moment of “of crap, I’ve got nothing on the docket for Instagram this week.” Batching content ensures you’ve got something to share at any moment without having to think twice as hard on the fly. 

Plan Ahead of Time

Planning out content and content ideas ahead of time is without a doubt going to make half of your content creation fear fly out the door. I know you’ve got the ideas rolling around in your head, so get them out onto paper or into your notes app! If you’ve already got some ideas and matching trends to go with them, this will also make a session of content batching go so smoothly!

If you like to follow the trends, spend some time scrolling through your “for you” pages and see what trends or sounds people are using (and be sure to save them for inspo)! If you don’t want to be creating all the content yourself, notate which ideas you’d like to do yourself and which ones you’d like to pass off to team members if you have them. I promise that you’ll feel so much more at ease with a plan!

Establish Consistency 

I always say it, but consistency really is key. If creating content is difficult for you, creating consistent post types and language for your posts will make the job a little more pain-free. Maybe you develop a cycle of posts that you rotate through such as “reel, carousel post, static image, repeat.” Or you can cycle through types of posts like “FAQs, testimonials, personal anecdotes, etc.” If certain types of posts tend to perform well with your audience, highlighting those would be a great thing to do!

You can also come up with different templates to use to create captions easily. This may vary based on the different types of content you’re sharing, but they don’t have to be complex. You might start with a common myth in your industry, bust the myth, explain your reasoning, and end with a call to action. That’s just one example, but you can structure your captions with any kind of fill in the blank sort that suits your style and industry.

Share this post with someone who may need a little inspo in the content creation department!


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