How to Maintain Your Integrity While Using AI

Utilizing artificial intelligence in content creation is not a new concept in the online space. For years, people have been using AI tools in their marketing to tailor their customer’s journey to meet specific wants and needs and improve customer experience.

While this is all fine and dandy, AI, specifically in content writing, can have its setbacks. With the ability to pull directly from generated AI sites like ChatGPT, the question of using AI with integrity comes into play immensely. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks to ensure that you maintain your integrity as a professional when using AI and working with clients!

Set Your Own Ethics

AI is a tool that can be incredibly useful in the right situations, but remembering who you are and what your ethics are as a professional is the first step in ensuring you’re using AI to your benefit. Part of why you probably started your business in the first place is because of your love for genuine human connection – don’t lose that just for the ease and convenience that AI offers. 

AI is never going to be a tool that replaces human authenticity and talent, so deciding how and when to utilize AI will be up to your ethics! Following your gut will do you well in the long run. If what you’re producing using AI feels too computer-generated or ingenuine, it’ll be up to you to discern how to adjust what you’re creating to evoke a more genuine and personal approach. 

Before you jump right into using AI tools thinking they will solve all your problems, ask yourself which of your writing challenges can be met by using AI solutions. Ultimately, AI should expand upon, not diminish or replace, the human relationships you’ve already established.

Don’t Copy and Paste

This tip speaks for itself! Let’s take it back to that freshman college seminar- it is plagiarism to copy and paste directly from tools like ChatGPT and other AI copywriters. Your clients are hiring YOU to do their writing, not a robot. They hired you to create content for them, and if that content is largely auto-generated, your services are no longer honest or ethical. Plus, you’re doing them a major disservice when they are investing and trusting in you.

One way to use AI ethically is to utilize it to fix your writer's block! AI is a great tool to help you generate ideas when you are experiencing a little bump in the road in your working process. From the list of ideas that is provided to you, you can find some great inspiration and then use that to create your own personalized and relevant content!

Another way to maintain your integrity while using AI is to take your final piece of work and run it through a plagiarism checker before publishing. This will ensure that you haven’t unwittingly infringed upon someone’s copyright.

Don’t Claim It

In the same vein of talking about plagiarism, you should not use AI to write something and then claim it as your own intellectual property. Doing this will do you a disservice in a number of ways as a professional. For starters, you can get in major trouble if you claim AI generated content as your own and these platforms ever decide to enforce their copyright. 

Additionally, simply pulling writing from these generators will lead readers to believe that your writing is heartless and voiceless. These tools do generate great ideas when you need them, but they tend to lean heavily toward inhuman fact-spewing. The writing that AI platforms generate doesn’t have any kind of personal voice or flourish behind it. If everything you’re producing sounds like a robot could have written it, people may be quick to assume that…a robot did!

I hope these tips have offered you some insight on how you can utilize AI tools in the future while still maintaining your integrity and professionalism! Have you had a poor experience with AI tools before? Drop your stories below, or don’t ever hesitate to reach out on Instagram to share your experience! My messages are always open! 


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