How to Grow Your Business on Instagram

There are, of course, lots of important factors when it comes to growing your business on Instagram these days, and this list is in no way comprehensive of everything you should be doing. However, here are some important first steps to make sure you have nailed down if you want to grow your business on Instagram. 

Strategy → Make sure that you're working from a strategy designed to meet your goals for not only the platform, but also for your business. ⁠This should be set up ahead of time, and should clearly outline what to post, when to post, how to post, and how to use each post to get you one step closer to reaching your goals. 

Consistency → Once you have a strategy in place and a clear direction laid out for you, show up consistently for your audience. ⁠And no, this doesn’t mean you have to post every single day! Showing up consistently means that you have a regular cadence that you stick to, and that your branding is consistent every time you show up. The goal is to make it easy for your audience to remember you, grow to like you, and feel as though they can trust you. 

Trust → This is important for every business everywhere they're showing up. be truthful with your audience so that they know they can trust you. ⁠Showing up authentically is incredibly important in your audience being able to trust you. 

Authenticity → Be true to yourself and your brand! There's no need to hop on every single trend if it has nothing to do with who you are and what you sell. What does matter is showing your audience who you truly are – beyond Instagram, beyond your business, beyond little squares on a screen. Show off the person behind the brand so that your audience feels as though they can make a genuine connection with YOU. 

Excitement → Show your audience that you're excited about your brand/business, and give them a reason to be excited with you! ⁠If you aren’t excited about what you’re doing, then nobody else is going to be either. While staying authentic to yourself, it’s important to show off how much you love what you do. And no, if you’re not a “woo girl,” you don’t have to pretend to be one.

Communication → This should be THE number one priority everywhere for every business, but communicate with your audience. Whether your warehouse is experiencing delays, you have a new launch coming up, or some other major event is happening, make sure your audience is always in the know. ⁠Not only does this build trust within your audience, but it also positions you as a trusted friend and resource that they’ll want to keep coming back to. 

So! Now that you have these six things to work on, how are you going to get started?! If this is all a little overwhelming and you want someone to walk you through it in more depth, or even to do it for you, head to my Services page to learn how we can work together to make your social media the best it can be! 


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